Well, Faithful Reader, we’ve made it together to the end. I’m a little sad the story has to end, but it’s time. In this final chapter, I have tried my hand at songwriting again; please don’t make too much fun of the lyrics.
Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and my tale. I truly hope you’ve enjoyed the journey I’ve taken you on. I hope you’ve come to love Richie and Julianna as much as I have. I hope they’ve made you laugh a little, and want to cry. I hope you’ve gotten a little angry, a bit outraged, and maybe, just maybe, a wee bit hot.
And now, without further ado, here is the link to the final chapter. The Finale. Opening Night.
If you'd like to start at the begining, you can click here. Just keep clicking on "Newer Post" at the bottom of each chapter to progress through the story.
Please, don't post my work anywhere, but do feel free to share this site with a friend, and leave a comment or send me an e-mail and let me know what you think.
Posted by
The Goddess Hathor
Over the course of the next two weeks, Julianna mostly lived at the theater, sleeping in her office. It was partly because she wanted to be close to the theater because the show was close to opening, and part of it was because she couldn’t stand to be in her apartment and see Richie not there – it made her remember.
When opening night finally came, Julianna was a wreck. She knew that the show would go off without a hitch; it was the finale that she was having trouble coming to terms with. She hadn’t heard from Richie since he left her apartment, and she was devastated. How the finale would play out was an afterthought in her head and her heart. She had been in contact with Jon over the last two weeks, and just this morning, she received a call from him, confirming the time and a thousand other details. The plan was for Jon to sing with her, and he didn’t know yet if Richie was even going to come. He wasn’t talking. Jon was all business. Gone was the easy friendship they had fallen into. She wasn’t surprised.
Shaking off the melancholy feelings, Julianna put on her professional face, and waded into the comfortable chaos of backstage. Inserting her earpiece, she was immediately bombarded by the booming voice of her stage boss barking orders to a dozen different groups within the crew. They were making last second preparations. Once the curtain rose, the only chatter she would hear was to the scene changers. She could feel her excitement growing despite the pain in her personal life.
The backstage lights flashed – five minutes to curtain. Julianna sought out her leads to give them hugs and to tell them to break a leg. Her leads and the other actors rushed around back stage, getting into position. Finally, the curtain rose to the opening strains of “Prayer”, and they were off and running.
Julianna watched most of the performance from the wings, smiling at the reaction of the audience. She saw a few of the younger crowd singing along, and everyone she could see had smiles on their faces. If this was any indication, the show was going to be a success. She sighed. At least one thing in my life will be, she thought.
Absently, Julianna fingered the charm on the necklace Richie had sent her to celebrate opening night. It was a silver heart with an elaborate T&G engraved on it. The gift came with a rather impersonal note, one he could have sent to anybody: Congratulations on the show. I know it will be a success. Yours, R.
Julianna was so lost in thought that before she knew it, the show was approaching the end – the finale. Julianna ducked into the ladies’ dressing room, and pulled her mother’s gown from the closet. Swallowing hard against a lump in her throat, she got changed. Positioning herself backstage in the wings, she signaled to the stage boss, who took her earpiece from her. As she waited in the wings for her cue, she grinned and winked at the pointed stares she was getting from the dancers and crew.
In the orchestra pit, hidden from the audience’s view, she could see the band getting into position – all but Richie. She sighed, resigned to singing with Jon. Not a hardship by any means, but not what her heart wanted. Jon caught her eye and winked at her. What the hell? She heard the opening bars of the final song, and started. This wasn’t the version they had rehearsed for the show – this was the acoustic version with Richie on the Alvarez. She looked at Jon again. This time, he was grinning broadly, and pointed at her, motioning that she should start. Julianna’s heart skipped. Could it be?
In this version, Julianna had the first verse. Shaking slightly, she stepped out from the wings. Her voice pure and strong, permeating the theater.
We’ve been through Hell before
Baby, we’ve seen all the signs
But we’ve always made it through –
We’ve stayed just within the lines
Richie answered with his lines, stepping from the wings on the other side of the stage, resplendent in black tie. The theater erupted into applause and cheers, which he ignored. Usually he would have acknowledged the audience with a nod or a smile or a wink, but he wasn’t in the mood tonight. The 12-string Julianna had given to him was strapped to his broad chest, filling the theater with haunting music. He sang beautifully, but wouldn’t meet her eyes.
Now that life is getting hard
It’s too easy to give in
But we never took the easy way
Now’s not the time to begin
They joined their voices together in the chorus, still sounding perfect together; always the consummate professionals.
Hey, no matter where you go and no matter what you do
Know that I’ll be by your side. Babe, I’ll always be with you.
No matter what the cards may show, when they’re all dealt from the shoe
I won’t give up, I won’t give in. I will always be with you.
Julianna looked tentatively at Richie. She thought she still saw love in his eyes, but it was tinged with confusion, sadness, and pain. She imagined he must see the same in her eyes. Richie sang his next verse, staring across the stage at Julianna.
Things are going to get tough
They are going to get bad
But Hell, they can’t be tougher
Than the times that we’ve just had
When Julianna took her next lines, she crossed the stage, stopping to stand toe-to-toe with him, and sang the words with such passion, such emotion, that her eyes filled with tears.
I know your love is true
I know you’re always mine
And baby, that won’t change
From now ‘til the end of time
Julianna looked, really looked into his eyes. She watched as his love for her chased some of the shadows from his eyes. Her heart soared. After they sang the chorus again, Richie launched into a beautiful solo, his fingers flying across the strings. His eyes closed in concentration, chin tilted up, his head swayed back and forth gently with the music.
The music was uplifting and heart-wrenching at the same time. Far more poignant than she’d ever heard it in rehearsals. Glancing around surreptitiously, she noticed a look of surprise on the rest of the band’s faces. Guess this is a surprise to them, too. Julianna had to blink hard to keep from crying outright. They sang the bridge together, to each other. After that and one last chorus, they were done.
We’re in each other’s hearts, and we’ll never let that go
We’re in this for forever, and I want you to know
That no matter where you go, no matter what you do
You know that I’ll be by your side – I will always be with you.
No matter what the cards may show, when they’re all dealt from the shoe
I won’t give up, I won’t give in. Babe, I’ll always be with you.
Yeah we won’t give up, we won’t give in. I will always be with you.
The final strains of music faded, and the theater was completely silent. Looking into front row of the audience, she saw tears streaming down her mother’s face. A heartbeat later, the theater erupted in a cacophony of applause, cheers, and whistles. The crowd rose as one to their feet as the curtains closed on the show.
Once the curtain dropped, Julianna led Richie deep into the wings, still not touching him. “I didn’t think you’d come,” she said.
“Honestly? I didn’t think I would, either.” Richie handed his guitar off to a stage hand, and took Julianna’s hands in his, looking into her eyes. “Julianna, I’m sorry. I overreacted, and should have talked to you about, well, things. I never should have let it get this far. Never. Can you forgive me?”
Julianna was crying in earnest now. “Only if you can forgive me for my behavior. I can’t believe how childish and selfish and stupid I acted. I should have been more persistent; should have come to you; I’m too stubborn for my own good. I’m so sorry.” She squeezed his hands, and pulled him into a hug. “You mean so much to me. I’m sorry that I made you doubt that even for a moment.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Richie said. “I know you love me. I love you too."
At that moment, as the two were locked in an embrace, the rest of the band joined them. Tico spoke up first. “Guys, that was wonderful. You two sounded great.” He took in the sight before him, and broke into a grin. He asked “It looks like you’ve sorted things out?” The two nodded. “Good. Man, you are perfect together. I was, we all were, all so upset over all this.”
The others all voiced their agreement with Tico’s sentiments. Julianna could see the stage manager gesturing to her. It was the cue for the band’s bow. “Guys, it’s time for your bow. Get on out there.”
The curtains lifted, and the foursome strode out onto the stage like they owned the place. The crowd cheered loudly as the boys took their bows. Jon motioned to Richie, who stepped forward. After taking his own bow, he extended a hand toward Julianna. Blotting the remaining tears from her eyes, she smiled and stepped out onto the stage. If it was possible, the crowd cheered even louder. Reaching center stage, she made a deep diva curtsey, and turned to give each man a hug and kiss. Joining hands with Richie, they stepped forward together and bowed. Julianna’s father approached the stage with a bouquet of roses for her. She bent to take them as her father mouthed “I love you” to her. She blew him a kiss, and returned to Richie.
They stepped back to allow the leads, Sam and Lila, to take their rightful place on center stage. They each kissed Julianna, as they passed her. They made their sweeping bows and the curtains fell for the last time. Backstage, everyone came bustling over to Julianna, to congratulate her on the show and her performance; and to chide her for making it a surprise. Stan even made his way down from his box to add his accolades to the mix. Julianna didn’t register any of it, however. She handed her flowers to Stan, and turned. She had eyes now for only one man, and he for one woman.
They made their way toward each other, oblivious to the noise and commotion around them. Melting into each other’s arms, Richie and Julianna whispered to each other words from the song they just shared.
We’re in each other’s hearts, and we’ll never let that go
We’re in this for forever, and I want you to know
That no matter where you go, no matter what you do
You know that I’ll be by your side – I’ll always be with you.
The couple shared a steamy kiss and left the theater, their arms wrapped around each other.
Lyrics: With You © 2008
All Rights Reserved
Posted by
The Goddess Hathor